Dina Goldstein
Lakshmi, 2014
Laksmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, beauty and money. And isn’t the workingwoman today supposed to embody all these traits? Her four hands are the many responsibilities she shoulders. She must be beautiful and attractive for her partner and bring home at least half of the family income. But she is still in the kitchen, responsible for the running of the household. The black mamba snake slithering towards Lakshmi is highly venomous. If Lakshmi fails in many responsibilities, what happens to her family, her community, her followers?
Mounted Transparency with LED LIGHT PANEL
Archival top mounted transparency on acrylic with LED light panel / Framed : add matte inches
Large Edition 1 - 7 Medium Edition 1 - 10 Small Edition 1-20
3”M 39”X50” Panel 33”X 44” 2”M 29.3”X 37.6” Panel 25.3” X 33.6” 1”M 18”X 23.2”Panel 16”X 21.2”
Gods of Suburbia
This is Dina Goldstein’s third large-scale project 2013-2014. The work is a visual analysis of religious faith within the context of the modern forces of technology, science and secularism. The series plays with narrative and religious iconography in order to communicate how organized belief has become twisted within a global framework driven by consumerism and greed. The project challenges the viewer — religious or secular — to embark on a journey of self-reflection as they contemplate the relevance of dogma in modernity.